
Showing posts from January, 2018

New Year New Resolution

Every year, many people make resolutions they want to follow throughout the year. For 2018, I know you can guess which three resolutions were the most popular.   According to Statista, 37% of people ranked eating healthier, getting more exercise and saving more money as the most common resolutions. Meanwhile, 32% of respondents stated they will not make any new year’s resolution ( Statista ). The biggest problem with a resolution is how difficult it is to stick to it! Here are a few ways you can keep your finances in line and a note on how to accomplish them.   Pay Down Credit Card Debt If you went a little overboard with holiday shopping or had a major expense such as replacing your furnace this winter, your credit card may be close to its limit.   Regardless, paying down or eliminating credit card debt can be intimidating and frustrating. Especially if it is a large amount. According to Nerdwallet, the average household carries a credit card balance close to $15,654. Medic

Inflation on the Rise?

As the stock market continues to defy gravity and “melt up”, it is important not to ignore the bond market which may be at the beginning of a “melt down”. We will discuss some of the reasons this may be occurring.   In 2017, the rhetoric to boost the economy from President Trump was very aggressive. Plans to boost infrastructure spending as well as a cut in taxes were discussed as ways to jump start the economy. Concerns were raised these actions would result in both higher rates and an increase in inflation. However, 2017 turned out to be a very different story. Throughout last year, we saw little from Washington to stimulate growth. In fact, we didn’t see tax reform until the end of the year and no progress on rebuilding our infrastructure. Furthermore, unemployment remained low, and we saw little in terms of wage growth. The result was reporting from the Federal Reserve on core CPI (a measure of inflation) below their 2% target. As we entered 2018, most signs indicate

Bitcoin-The Basics, The Mania and The Risk!

First and foremost, it is important to understand, we do NOT recommend cryptocurrencies. We are providing this blog post for informational purposes only. Bitcoin-the one subject everyone has been talking about recently. Whether you have heard the term in the news or discussed it at Christmas dinner, it has been all the craze the last few months. And for good reason. Bitcoin is up over 1,400% this year alone! So, what is Bitcoin? Is it something to buy and if so, what are the risks. To begin, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency today. A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is “mined” with computers. To clarify, individuals use certain technology, along with computer hardware and power, to solve a difficult puzzle. Once the puzzle is cracked, a new bitcoin is released. There is a total of 21 million Bitcoins to be mined and brought to the market. However, you can acquire Bitcoin without mining it. Many online companies allow the purchase and sale of Bitcoin. Th